Sunday, March 20, 2011

Assessment Final

Are zoos still relevant for animal preservation? Transcript v2
Hello everyone, I’d like to start this speech by telling a story.
A tiger called Tigeru had a happy life with his family hunting food and sleeping every day and night in an Asian jungle until one day, some cruel poachers came and shot all of his family but he was the one only to escape. He soon fell faint of hunger and tiredness and soon, some Aussie rangers found him and transported him to Taroonga zoo, far away from Asia to the giant island of Australia. The tiger apparently didn't like it there, the floor was awfully hard. Instead of hunting for food, he got fed every day and there was loads of these people that looked like the wicked poachers that killed his family were staring at him and tapping the glass, he looked around his new home miserably and missed his old home very dearly. This tragic story was about a tiger that was inconsiderately taken from his comfortable home and put in a harsh and popular zoo. Do you feel sorry for him? This is one reason I think are not a relevant preservation.
It is obvious that animals have the right to be themselves and how they were born to live normally such as wild animals like kangaroos. They can roam around freely but in a zoo, they wouldn't have any space to run around unlike running freely in the wild. They can only hop fewer than 10 small spaces! What if they have a kid? In the wild, the parents would take easy care of them themselves, but in a zoo... That would be a different story. Animal breeders would take the child away from the mother mercilessly and nurse it instead of the natural mother. How sad and dreadful is that?

Some animals are gigantic to be kept in zoos such as animals like whales, sharks and other big animals. Therefore, the only safe and effective way to keep them is a safari or whale watching reserve (both are conservation reserves and natural parks). It is obvious that a zoo is certainly not the perfect solution to preserving animals since it doesn't have enough space to support them.

All animals live and breed in their natural habitat because it strongly supports the ecosystem, meat doesn't have to be bought for carnivores, they can hunt for land animals in the wild because food and water are commonly found in the wild People don't have to bring frozen meat and stagnant water at 2:00 p.m. for the animals who are heavily starving since they ate little food at 10 a.m.

Sometimes, zoos are needed especially for endangered animals before they are extinct, such as pandas, a few frogs and the Tasmanian devil. These rare animals can be helped by scientists and breeders to reproduce make them live. They can carry research in animal clinics and nurseries.

Furthermore, are the positive ways of preserving animals? Why yes there is! First of all, more land and natural habitats should be protected by laws for national and conservation parks such as the famous Ku-ring-gai Chase National park. Second of all, it is to prevent urban developers from cutting down the forest such as Indonesians. Imagine how many animals died because of many natural habitats destroyed. Finally, it is so that the animals can live in peace with good health and nothing can eliminate any more animals.

All this evidence suggests that zoos are not a relevant preservation for animals because firstly, it changes the animal’s habit such as lie around all day instead of hunting. Secondly, some animals are too big for them and finally, capturing animals does not support the ecosystem. We have to respect them and give their rights back. Remember! Animals are equal to us including that captive tiger!
(This speech is in Pathos) 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Henry V-King Harry's speech

Inclusive Language

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more,
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility,
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger.
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage.
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect,
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon, let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swilled with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath, and bend up every spirit
To his full height. On, on, you noblest English,
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof,
Fathers that like so many Alexanders
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of argument.
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you called fathers did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to war. And you, good yeomen,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding- which I doubt not,
For there is none of you so mean and base
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot.
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!' 

1. The characteristics are modest stillness and humility
2. Men in war should imitate the action of the tiger and basically getting strength to overpower themselves like from the speech, King Henry said "stiffen up the sinews, summon up the blood"
3. King Henry said that the ancestors of England are war-proof people and fight these fields until morning
4. King Henry means that by men who has fought hardly for the country and basically have strong blood who has been injured a lot of times.
5. To be successful in war, you have to be as strong as a tiger or a brass cannon, you also have to follow your spirit and when charging, cry "God for Harry, England, and St George"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Othello-Iago's speech

Extended Metaphor 

It is merely a lust of the blood and a permission of
the will. Come, be a man. Drown thyself! drown
cats and blind puppies. I have professed me thy
friend and I confess me knit to thy deserving with
cables of perdurable toughness; I could never
better stead thee than now. Put money in thy
purse; follow thou the wars; defeat thy favour with
an usurped beard; I say, put money in thy purse. It
cannot be that Desdemona should long continue her
love to the Moor,-- put money in thy purse,--nor he
his to her: it was a violent commencement, and thou
shalt see an answerable sequestration:--put but
money in thy purse. These Moors are changeable in
their wills: fill thy purse with money:--the food
that to him now is as luscious as locusts, shall be
to him shortly as bitter as coloquintida. She must
change for youth: when she is sated with his body,
she will find the error of her choice: she must
have change, she must: therefore put money in thy
purse. If thou wilt needs damn thyself, do it a
more delicate way than drowning. Make all the money
thou canst: if sanctimony and a frail vow betwixt
an erring barbarian and a supersubtle Venetian not
too hard for my wits and all the tribe of hell, thou
shalt enjoy her; therefore make money. A pox of
drowning thyself! it is clean out of the way: seek
thou rather to be hanged in compassing thy joy than
to be drowned and go without her.

1. The extended metaphor is supersubtle, it is a positive towards women

2. Rodrigo was like a barbarian going after her

3. In Iago's speech, he talks "drown thyself!" and some people jump off the moor to do that

4. If Rodrigo fails, then he will drown himself by jumping of the moor

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Merchant of Venice: Portia's speech


The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.


1. Portia describes mercy by talking about kings and talks about their characteristics, it very powerful because she talks about someone that is important.

2. If mercy is used, then the person can achieve a good reputation and be known to create peace.

3. Religion is part of this speech because Shylock is a Jew and therefore he is Jewish so it includes the Jewish religion.

Assessment reflection

Are zoos still a relevant preservation? –Reflective Statement

I choose to disagree with the controversial question “Are zoos still a relevant preservation?” My reasons are as follows:
First, locking animals up in a zoo supresses the animal’s natural instincts. Instead of hunting, it got fed every day by zookeepers, and the animals idle around. They cannot live and behave like their real self.
Second, some animals are gigantic like whales, narwhals and others and they cannot be confined in zoos. They only way to keep them are safaris and whale watching reserves.
Third, caging animals has harmful effects to the ecosystem. The food chain can be broken because of this. Animals like their natural habitats, not concrete enclosures. We need to respect animal rights. I strongly think that it is a violation of animal rights and the rights to live in their own habitat.
 Finally there are better ways of preserving animals. The more effective ways are: Conservational reserves and National Parks for example, Ku-rin-gai National park. From this way, animals can be protected especially endangered animals but in their natural habitats.

I used a lot of persuasive techniques and these are the techniques I used:
First, I used emotive language; using negative words of high modality adjectives, for example; cruel, miserably, harsh, dreadful, wicked and others.
Next, the persuasive technique ‘Pathos’ was used, which is a technique based on emotions. For example, I used an anecdote to start my speech. It is the story about Tigeru, the tiger, and how he was cruelly taken away by the rangers from his home in the Asian forest to the unfamiliar temperatures and environment in Taroonga Zoo in Australia. By telling a story, I can capture the emotions of my audience

I have some performance considerations to make my speech effective.
First of all, I added expression to my voice to make some parts of the speech effective when I speak. In addition, I used the difference in volume because changing volume can add to emphasis within some sentences and some important ideas.
Most importantly, I tried to speak with eye contact with the audience and had successfully captured their attention because it is essential to look in the audience’s eyes and focus right on them.
Next, I did not read from the notes and rehearsed the speech very well. By referring to the paper too often, the whole performance would be boring!
After that, I used gestures to catch and arouse my audience’s attention because they can focus on what I was saying.
Finally, I used pauses (short moments of silence) to get attention. When the audience is silent, they waited for what is going to happen next. This can create a lot of suspense and change the atmosphere of the whole room.
In summary, I have stated the reasons why I chose to disagree with the topic and the persuasive techniques of Pathos used in my speech. Last but not the least; I used a variety of performance considerations to capture the audience attentions and agree with me with my position of the topic.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Assessment draft 2

Are zoos still relevant for animal preservation? Transcript
Hello everyone, I’d like to start this speech by telling a story.
A tiger had a happy life with his family hunting food and sleeping every day and night until one day, some cruel poachers came and shot all of his family but he was the one only to escape. He soon fell faint of hunger and tiredness and soon, a ranger found him and transported him to a zoo, the tiger apparently didn't like it there, the floor was awfully hard. Instead of hunting for food, he got fed every day and there was loads of these people that looked like the wicked poachers that killed his family were staring at him and tapping the glass, he looked around his new home miserably and missed his old home very dearly. This tragic story was about a tiger that was inconsiderately taken from his comfortable home and put in a harsh and popular zoo. Do you feel sorry for him? This is one reason I think are not a relevant preservation.
It is obvious that animals have the right to be themselves and how they were born to live normally such as wild animals like kangaroos. They can roam around freely but in a zoo, they wouldn't have any space to run around unlike running freely in the wild. They can only hop fewer than 10 small spaces! What if they have a kid? In the wild, the parents would take easy care of them themselves, but in a zoo... That would be a different story. Animal breeders would take the child away from the mother mercilessly and nurse it instead of the natural mother. How sad and dreadful is that?

Some animals are gigantic to be kept in zoos such as animals like whales, sharks and other big animals. Therefore, the only safe and effective way to keep them is a safari or whale watching reserve (both are conservation reserves and natural parks). It is obvious that a zoo is certainly not the perfect solution to preserving animals since it doesn't have enough space to support them.

All animals live and breed in their natural habitat because it strongly supports the ecosystem, meat doesn't have to be bought for carnivores, they can hunt for land animals in the wild because food and water are commonly found in the wild People don't have to bring frozen meat and stagnant water at 2:00 p.m. for the animals who are heavily starving since they ate little food at 10 a.m.

Sometimes, zoos are needed especially for endangered animals before they are extinct, such as pandas, a few frogs and the Tasmanian devil. These rare animals can be helped by scientists and breeders to reproduce make them live. They can carry research in animal clinics and nurseries.

Furthermore, are the positive ways of preserving animals? Why yes there is! First of all, more land and natural habitats should be protected by laws for national and conservation parks such as the famous Ku-ring-gai Chase National park. Second of all, it is to prevent urban developers from cutting down the forest such as Indonesians. Imagine how many animals died because of many natural habitats destroyed. Finally, it is so that the animals can live in peace with good health and nothing can eliminate any more animals.

All this evidence suggests that zoos are not a relevant preservation for animals because firstly, it changes the animal’s habit such as lie around all day instead of hunting. Secondly, some animals are too big for them and finally, capturing animals does not support the ecosystem. We have to respect them and give their rights back. Remember! Animals are equal to us including that captive tiger!

Assessment draft 1

Zoo speech

A tiger had a happy life with his family hunting food and sleeping every day and night until one day, some poachers came and shot all of his family but he was the one only to escape. He soon fell faint of hunger and tiredness and soon, a ranger found him and transported him to a zoo, the tiger apparently didn't like it there, the floor was very hard, instead of hunting, he got fed every day and there was loads of these people that looked like the poachers were staring at him and tapping the glass, he looked around his new home and missed his old home very dearly. This story was about a tiger that was taken from his home and put in a zoo. Do you feel sorry for him? This is one reason I think zoos are not a relevant preservation.

Animals have the right to be themselves and how they were born to live. Such as wild animals like  and kangaroos, they can roam around freely but in a zoo, they wouldn't have any space to run around unlike running freely in the wild. What if they have a kid? In the wild, the parents would take care of them themselves, but in a zoo... That would be a different story. Animal breeders would take the child away from the mother and take care of it instead of the mother. How sad is that?

Some animals are too big to be kept in zoos such as animals like whales, sharks and other animals. The only way to keep them is a safari or whale watching (both are conservation reserves and natural parks). It is obvious that a zoo is not the solution to preserving animals since it doesn't have enough space to support animals.

All animals live and breed in their natural habitat because it supports the ecosystem, meat doesn't have to be bought for carnivores, they can hunt for land animals in the wild because food an water are sustainable within the ecosystem. People don't have to bring food and water at 2:00 p.m for the animals who are starving since they ate little food at 10 a.m.

Sometimes, zoos are needed for endangered animals before they are extinct, such as pandas, some frogs and Tasmanian Devil. They can be helped by scientists and breeders to reproduce and make them live. They can carry research in animal clinics and nurseries.

So what are the positive ways of preserving animals? Well, first of all, more land and natural habitats should be protected by laws for national and conservation parks such as the famous Kur-ing-gai Chase National park. Second of all, it is to prevent urban developers from cutting down the forest such as Indonesians. Imagine how many animals died because of many natural habitats destroyed.

In conclusion, zoos are not a relevant preservation for animals because it changes the animals habit, some animals are too big for them and it does not support the ecosystem. We have to respect them and give their rights back. Remember! Animals are equal to us including that tiger!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Information on the zoo speech

)     Zoos worldwide hand in hand for the protection of endangered species
Worldwide modern zoos work hand in hand for the protection of the endangered species.
This kind of community creates the world zoo-nature-conservation strategy, which is a document of the world zoo organisation WAZA. The Zoo Schmiding also belongs to this organisation, which is called WAZA. Have a look at:
The world zoo-nature conservation strategy was written by some international experts and the aim is the preservation of the natural variety. Further more, a combination of preservation breeding is aimed by rare animals in zoos and the preservation of her living spaces in the open land.

Within the next decades species extinction may eliminate between 20 and 50% of the Earth's species. Captive breeding has often been claimed to be a useful tool in preservation of biodiversity. The role of zoos in conservation work and the value of captive breeding are discussed; the latter exemplified by the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) Programme and the Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) Programme. Captive breeding programmes are very resource demanding and can only be afforded for a very small number of species, which limits their value significantly. Zoos deal mainly with vertebrates, but these comprise less than 3% of the described species, and although the 878 zoos considered hold more than 20 000 specimens of 140 threatened mammal species, they probably only contribute to the conservation of 20 full species. The situation for birds, reptiles and amphibians is even worse. Zoos face serious problems with minimum viable population sizes and hybridization. However, zoos can make a major contribution to preservation of biodiversity through educating and informing the public. Today, where the crisis of extinction of species has reached such daunting dimensions, captive breeding and otherex situ conservation tools should be the last resort for preserving biodiversity, and captive breeding must not become an excuse to avoid dealing with preservation of habitats.

The reason why I picked these two pieces of information is because it shows how to help endangered animals and some downsides of zoos

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Zoo speech

A tiger had a happy life with his family hunting food and sleeping every day and night until one day, some poachers came and shot all of his family but he was the one only to escape. He soon fell faint of hunger and tiredness and soon, a ranger found him and transported him to a zoo, the tiger apparently didn't like it there, the floor was very hard, instead of hunting, he got fed everyday and there was loads of these people that looked like the poachers were staring at him and tapping the glass, he looked around his new home and missed his old home very dearly. This story was about a tiger that was taken from his home and put in a zoo. Do you feel sorry for him? This is one reason I think zoos are not a relevant preservation.

Animals have the right to be themselves and how they were born to live. Such as wild animals like  and kangaroos, they can roam around freely but in a zoo, they wouldn't have any space to run around unlike running freely in the wild. What if they have a kid? In the wild, the parents would take care of them themselves, but in a zoo... That would be a different story. Animal breeders would take the child away from the mother and take care of it instead of the mother. How sad is that?

Some animals are too big to be kept in zoos such as animals like whales, sharks and other animals. The only way to keep them is a safari or whale watching (both are conservation reserves and natural parks). It is obvious that a zoo is not the solution to preserving animals since it doesn't have enough space to support animals.

All animals live and breed in their natural habitat because it supports the ecosystem, meat doesn't have to be bought for carnivores, they can hunt for land animals in the wild because food an water are sustainable within the ecosystem. People don't have to bring food and water at 2:00 p.m for the animals who are starving since they ate little food at 10 a.m.

Sometimes, zoos are needed for endangered animals before they are extinct, such as pandas, some frogs and Tasmanian Devil. They can be helped by scientists and breeders to reproduce and make them live. They can carry research in animal clinics and nurseries.

So what are the positive ways of preserving animals? Well, first of all, more land and natural habitats should be protected by laws for national and conservation parks such as the famous Kur-ing-gai Chase National park. Second of all, it is to prevent urban developers from cutting down the forest such as Indonesians. Imagine how many animals died because of many natural habitats destroyed.

In conclusion, zoos are not a relevant preservation for animals because it changes the animals habit, some animals are too big for them and it does not support the ecosystem. We have to respect them and give their rights back. Remember! Animals are equal to us including that tiger!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The 3 topics: Zoos, paparazzi, dictator assasinator

Zoo, still a relevant preservation for animals?: My thoughts on this speech is that it I think it will still be a relevant preservation because:
1. The animals get fed and treated when sick so they can be prevented from dying. 2. They look like that they have a very good life there, 3. They like it when they see people looking at them. The reason why I chose that a zoo is still a good preservation point is that the animals are mostly suffering from their natural habitat in the wild and so moving into a zoo would be much safer.

In my conclusion, I think that zoos are still a relevant preservation to animals because animals can get lost if their parents were killed, they can actually start a new happy life in the zoo however.

Paparazzi: Keeping it real?: My thoughts on paparazzi is that it can be a big lie sometimes because they get some truth about a few celebrities and then they mess it all up and talking about lies. The celebs get offended and hurt and the paparazzi get a lot of money. I think that the government should stop this because it is not nice and it can damage the celebs reputation.

In my conclusion, I think the paparazzi should be banned because making up these lies about celebs is illegal and the person that made it can be sent to jail for life.

Should dictators be assassinated?: My thought is that dictators treat themselves like they are kings and treat the people very badly and cruel so I would hope that someone can actually kill the dictator. The world would be better if a city was ruled by a group of people so they would have different ideas and when the people plead for something, the government would take a vote and may grant the people their wish.

In my conclusion, I think that people who want to be a dictator and put himself ahead of everyone is not that nice. Julius Cesar was a dictator and very horrible so I was glad he was murdered and if there is any dictator right now, I will try to kill him!!!

CAS Swimming Speech

I am glad to be here today to talk about CAS Swimming! For long years, the swimming trophy has been under the control of the green machine for seven long years starting in 2003 through to 2010. But in 2011 today, we will take back the cup, we will show the green machine what the black and blue is made of. IT IS TIME FOR THE KNOX TO WIN!!!

We shall overcome our defeat of humiliation for 7 years in both swimming and diving! We have to fight for what is ours. We shall break the green machine's steak of victory and start ours. Everywhere we go, people want to know, who we are, where we come from, so we will tell them, we come from Warawee, and who the hell are we? We are the mighty mighty Knox boys and we will sing our war-cries out so everyone can hear so Trinity, Barker, Waverly and St Aloysius will tremble and retreat! Jump up Knoxy boys! I said jump up Knoxy boys!

When we enter the aquatic battlefield on the 10th of March, we will show who is rightful for the trophy, who is the best, WHO IS THE CHAMPION! KNOXY, WE ARE THE VICTORS!!!!

(This speech is Pathos)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fashion Week and earthquakes

I think the fashion week should not have a place like this because there are things that are more important than the fashion week such as the earthquakes in Christ church in New Zealand.

The reason why I think that is because what do you think is important? Watching the fashion show and ignore all the people who died in NZ? Pimping your style from fashion experts and don't have time to help all the injured survivors who have lost their loved one? DO YOU WANT WASTE ALL YOUR MONEY WANT TO GET A SUPERMODEL'S AUTOGRAPH AND NOT DONATE TO THE POOR, HOMELESS AND DEVASTATED KIWIS!?!?!? YOU IMBECILE!!!!>:( YOU NEVER HELP OTHERS INSTEAD OF JUST MAKING YOURSELF LOOK GOOD! What if you were from New Zealand seeking refuge in Christ Church and no one is helping you and instead these people looking at a fashion show? How would you feel then? I think that you need to have a heart for the people in need and with the money you donate, you can actually save someone's life.

So it is your choice
Fashion or Charity
Pay to watch or donate to save
Help yourself or help others
You or them
Now what are you going to do?