Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why does it matter? Story Review- Chinese Lessons

Read any story that we haven't read yet and write a review of the story and explain why it matters. Why should anyone care about the story/read it?

The story I chose to review is called Chinese Lessons by Ivy Tseng

The author shows that she is describing how she dreads Chinese Lessons everyday with her father, but the main part of this story is that the author just wants to understand her Father.

What shows a lot of remorse is that the author's Father is a migrant from Taiwan and moved to Australia, he also does not speak English and so he would feel very lonely and left out, the father started the lessons with his children is because he wants to make sure that this language can continue in this country as it said in the book on why the the father wants to do the lessons "They were a way of ensuring he would still be able to connect to his past." This shows that Asians can have hardships in moving to a place that does not speak the same language.

The main importance of the story is that it shows how people would want to still learn their native ways especially if it is in another country, it is what of the advantages that different people carry with them. The result that is left with the reader is that the reader would wonder how a different language can get on with real life.

Conversations with my Parents

1. What is ironic is that they did not like each other as she left him, they started liking each other as the Father got his first illness and the author visited him.

2. I would characterize that when the conversation gets better, the sicker the Father becomes.

3. What worries the Author is that she doesn't really speak her native language and that there are supposed to be some traditions when speaking

4. The family still express their feelings by doing the right things for their loved ones.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My first kiss

1. Affection in Malaysia is sometimes referred to as Homosexuality and it is a very big crime in Malaysia

2. When the author hits puberty, she then started to become a tomboy and soon, she lost mind a little and then started to isolate herself.

3. When she first arrived at Melbourne, the white kids don't pay any attention to her until a further year into school.

4. What made the author feel that she wasn't Australian is because whenever she speaks English, there is always an Malaysian accent

5. What further alienated from her peers is because that she has started to now turn into religion for help. People nearly think that she is a ****ian.

6. The use of the description "crash hot" is to create that the author wants to show the shyness of herself to the audience.

7. The opportunity the University gave to the author is that she is allowed to film anywhere.

8. The role of creativity that is played for the author is that it can show the author that she can show the audience and her friends what she can do. Creativity is important to the author because it is her strong point and she uses this to complete her most important work

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Teenage Dreamers

1. The first two sentences of the story is about the author pointed out that his father has a sixth sense and that this sense knows when people are going to die. This creates a rather spooky tension

2. What happened to the author's father is that he is just calm and said that the cousin is just "returning home" meaning she is going to die soon.

3. It is serious to his following statement because the father is always Leslie's No.1 Fan and his role model, it would be very sad for him to know that Leslie is going to die.

4. The father lives his life by normally crying when he knows someone he has been with for a long time is going to die. He may be called weird to some people but once people know the father enough, then friends would call the father intelligent

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lessons from my school years

1. The narrator was still nervous about going to the school and that he was helping his family out in the fruit shop before school. What is expected from him is getting a very good grade on his school and get a good job. This contrast shows a similarity to normal life.

2. He talks about where he lives and in other words, not living in a normal set of houses but living in a highway. He talks about the Sydney North Shore as if it is a very busy place.

3. The father's background in business is that he is not good in business at all, what helped him become successful is that he asks people what they like, chat with them and make sure customers leave the store happy.

4. What makes the father a complex character is that he likes a lot of modern objects and starts buying technology for his family, it also showed all of the father's good points.

5. The narrator describes his role that he is not doing good enough, that he is not getting enough merits to please his family.

6. The experience is that he made a friend with a white and he learned that it was his choice on what to do.

7. The tone in his voice showed that he does not have a like the events that are occurring around him

8. A person could get the strap by not knowing their middle name or mistakes in their work. There are not many ways to avoid it either, one way is to get a good mark or get their homework all correct.

9. The swimming carnival made the teacher evoke a racist speech.

10. Strap-Happy Jack didn't really mean a lot to the author even though it was insulting to the author

11. The school let the author choose what subject he can study and that made him lead the school

12. He had started a workshop program, he did it because of his lack at discipline, what motivated him to do this was the chance to work with other people.

13. His parents wanted him to do what the teachers wanted, he would fear that if he obeyed his parents, he would still be bullied and called names by other people.

14. He learned that he could to anything with his own type of thinking and uses it by saying that he has used his learning to get through his school years.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The early settlers-techniques

Pun: Title, "the early settlers"

Alliteration: 1st sentence "Great-Grandfather"

Vulgar Slang: Two words in the 9th sentence "******* *******"

Ambiguous Pronouns: 8th and 9th sentence

Question 6: The irony about the hatred of the settlers is that they called the immigrants bad names when the settlers were immigrants themselves.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The early settlers-Ken Chau questions

s1. This refers to two groups of settlers, they are the people who first settled in Australia and the foreign people.

2. This is successive in being forceful because of the work he was supposed to do (growing tobacco does not sound like a job he likes to do, therefore, it is shown that the Great-Grandfather was forced to work in Australia and grow the tobacco.

3. The early settlers are calling the immigrants horrible names like terrorists.

4. The great-grandfather's intention is that he thinks the early settlers have a bad attitude just like him as the Early Settlers called him a terrorist and The Great-Grand father swearing at them.

5. The action is that the author made another poem in the the Grandfather's point of view and it was called The Terrorist.