Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The boy in the striped PJ's Chapter 9

Lieutenant Kolter was represented as another high person and the way that he walks around is that he is very proud and yet representing the Germans as the superior race. He also walks very arrogantly

Herr Liszt is going to change Bruno's way of thinking and imagination. Also to get rid of storybooks and where Bruno really comes from.

The connection is that the soldiers are very clean and friendly to Bruno while Bruno thinks that the people in pajamas are bad and mean people, he also makes a connection of separation and yet he can't make out that one is actually controlling the other. Plus, the Jews and Soldiers in their own group also wear the same uniform.

Bruno began to take notice that the people in the uniforms look very serious while the pajamas people look scared and not like Bruno. There is also the power in balance as the Soldiers hold and that the Jews don't

Chapter 10

1. It shows that they are normally insignificant like a dot and so when Bruno learns more, it starts to really form into similar things and when Bruno finally knows a lot.

2. It creates a special connection between the boys as if some kind of friendship and juxtapostition: Born same day even though living in different lives.

3. They were arguing about agreeing and disagreeing about soldiers. Bruno broke the argument saying about good soldiers and bad soldiers

4. This reveals that Bruno has no idea what was going on. Shumel thinks that Bruno is not intelligent and ignorant but then he realized that Bruno really had no idea and then shows that Bruno is innocent.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The boy in the striped PJ's Chapter 7

1. The mother's defense of Herr Roller is very ironic because she had known him for a long time. But then, she says that Herr Roller is very royal in the country meaning she is saying that war is good

2. Kolter's role in historical times is not just a soldier but very similar to Bruno's childhood and a Auschwitz guard and a rich person like Bruno. Also a representative of the perfect race Hitler talked about.

3. The character that Kolter is juxtaposed as a rough and bad person and so is just like Bruno's father. This shows that nearly most of  the characters who are soldiers are very rough and mean

4. The interaction of Bruno and Pavel is that it is much more calm and that it is not an order from Bruno to do something. In fact, Bruno was acting very nice to Pavel because Bruno is in pain and Pavel is helping him heal the wounds so Bruno talks nicely to Pavel.

5. Juxtaposition is a key element to the holocaust story because people would tell the stories of the Holocaust in different characters and different point of views.

The boy in the striped PJ's Chapter 7

1. The mother's defense of Herr Roller is very ironic because she had known him for a long time.

2. Kolter's role in historical times is not just a soldier but very similar to Bruno's childhood and a Auschwitz guard and a rich person like Bruno

3. The character that Kolter is juxtaposed as a rough and bad person and so is just like Bruno's father. This shows that nearly most of  the characters who are soldiers are very rough and mean

4. The interaction of Bruno and Pavel is that it is much more calm and that it is not an order from Bruno to do something. In fact, Bruno was acting very nice to Pavel because Bruno is in pain and Pavel is helping him heal the wounds so Bruno talks nicely to Pavel.

5. Juxtaposition is a key element to the holocaust story because people would tell the stories of the Holocaust in different characters and different point of views.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Boy in Striped PJ's- Chapter 6

1. The radical shift is that Bruno finds out who Maria really is and that she is a person just like Bruno. When she was young, she was given work to do from Bruno's Father and has taken care of her like another family member. This shows now that Bruno is starting to learn responsibility and things that he is supposed to do himself.

2. At this point, Bruno now treated her as a person but Gretel still treats Maria as a nobody and always gives orders because she has never heard about Maria's tale. Bruno now acts kindly while Gretel still acts like she is spoiled.

3. It is for Bruno stop complaining about this and worrying his parents to death. She gives this advice because she does not want to lose her job. I think that this is good advice

4. Bruno's reactions is that he now starting to cry and get angry because of how he and his sister are treating Maria. He reacts this way because he is trying to do something that is wrong but then he was being stopped by Maria

Holocaust poetry #2

1. The imagery used are suffering, murder and sadness: Some examples are that "and filled their little bellies not with bread but bullets". Little tiny bodies with horror on their face with bullet holes with blood pouring out of them.

2. The effect of simile is that the poet compares Christmas tradition with Jews slaughtered by Nazis.

3. The alliteration is used in the poem is as saying that the Danube is the river and that the children are like tiddlywinks and thrown into the river

4. They juxtapose by saying that saying because Jews are being persecuted by animals and Nazi's standing proud and as the Major Race.

5. It means that the bodies had been going through the seas and all around Europe before going to the homeland and then them dying and going to heaven.

Boy in the Striped pajamas- Chapter 5

1. It is because that even though Bruno's father causes a lot of the action, the author shows that he is not important and so he shows how powerful he is and too powerful so that he was later described in the book.

2. This theme introduced the part on where Bruno's father is trying to be ambitious to get an even higher position and to do that harm more people as Bruno's Father was assigned by this job from "The Fury" when he came for dinner. As after the day The Fury came for dinner, they started to move to Out-With, the father thought of trying to make a better life was giving a lot of harm to his family. This shows that he is very selfish and is always self-centered so therefore, he was

3. Bruno's father speaks to him as if Bruno was his very cherished son. But even though he talks very kindly to Bruno, the father is not very happy when talking to the soldiers.

4. Bruno's way of speaking the world is about basically a very young kid because he doesn't know about the Wehrmacht and that his Father is at least in a very high position and just one rank below Der Fuhrer or the Fury in Bruno's way. Bruno also said that the Jews think they are people but the father said they don't

5. The father rationalizes the things that Bruno says by sometimes interrupting and laughing at him and can upset Bruno and saying things to try and tell the truth.

6. It is when he goes around the desk, it shows how weak he was when he was at childhood and that when Father is at the desk, he is very powerful

7. I do not think the Father really cares about Bruno because it says in the book that he had interrupted Bruno because none of the rules of normal family every applied to him.

8. He does not because he does not know who Hitler is even though Hitler is named "The Fury"

9. The juxtaposition of this description is that he that he is basically stowed away like the Jews.

10. Bruno's reason for not talking to the Jews on the train is because, they look poor to him. This shows that Germans have more welfare than the Jews showing a lot in power of money.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Holocaust imagery: Hitler at a Nazi Rally

  1. How are vectors used in this image? What effect does it have?
  2. Describe the composition of the image and what is tells us about the Nazis and Hitler.
  3. How is symmetry used? What effect does it have?
  4. What effect does this picture being in black and white have?
  5. Discuss the use of line in this image. What effect does it have?
The vectors used in the image is the size of the people, basically, the small the person, the weaker the power, in this art, Hitler is probably the biggest in the photo despite the stairs where Hitler is climbing up, it shows that Hitler has more power then any other High-ranking Nazi officer. Also used to focal the point of the image (Adolf Hitler), the flags also show a few points of the image too. Gives us point that Hitler has a lot of power and that he is an important character in history

The composition of the image is that the Nazis and Hitler are more clearly shown because they have the ones that have more power that the citizens who are blurred out because they are weak. 90% of people in the image are citizens who are pushed across the side. The stairs in the picture shows that Hitler will be rising to power.

Symmetry is used by showing straight lines when compared to Hitler since he is standing straight while marching up the stairs. He is in the middle of the symmetry line of this picture as the other officers are sometimes not standing straight and are placed not in a good part of symmetry.

The effect showing that this picture is Black and White has many effects: Shows that this picture is very old, the people are not happy and that this is a picture of bad people, they drain the happiness removing all emotion and making it very serious, it also makes them ruthless killers. All the citizens are white and the soldiers are black which shows a difference which shows the Nazi's are more important because they have more power. The color white of the citizens shows innocence and hope while black from the soldiers shows darkness and evil.

The use of lines show that the citizens in the background have very curve lines while the soldiers are sharp and straight.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The boy in the striped PJ's chapter 4-what they saw through the window

The author continues to use juxtaposition by telling the description of both the houses by using similes and many other word techniques: It shows that Bruno's family is very small while the Jews family contains many people

The reason why the children find it difficult to understand about what they see through the window because like the people in the POW, they are not children but people of all ages and the children think they are like big boys, little boys, fathers, grandfathers and maybe uncles.

Gretel described the camp by saying that it is a nasty and horrible looking place because this is from a rich person's point of view (huts only have one floor, barbed wire all over.)

What Gretel attempts to do is to try and think what the place was. She tries to understand what she was looking at.

Her attempt was not successful as Bruno was not convinced that she understands and so Gretel gave up saying that this is not the countryside and that this is not a holiday home.

The children can't see that the people in the camp are Jews and are the lesser race in the Germans point of view. The group that can understand would be the soldiers and the people today. I think that this is the case because they are children and are not old enough to learn about the Jews.

The author uses the understatement using the children by describing the POW camp and how the Jews are like.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Holocaust poem write out

by Barbara Sonek

We played, we laughed
we were loved.
We were ripped from the arms of our
parents and thrown into the fire.
We were nothing more than children.
We had a future. We were going to be lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers. We had dreams, then we had no hope. We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe smothering, crying, starving, dying. Separated from the world to be no more. From the ashes, hear our plea. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember us, 

for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.

I play, I laugh, I was loved
But I was taken from where I came from and thrown to a world with unhappiness
Yet I was not younger than an adolescent person
I had thought of many things that would happen when I get older. I was going to be a doctor, lawyer, fireman, police officer and had many dreams but is gone. I was taken away from my house and sent into what was worse than being trapped in a tower. I was sent to a place with no air to breathe, no one to play with, nowhere to explore, and no place to have fun. I am separated from the world till my time has run out. From 6 feet underneath the ground, hear my message. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember me for I was one whose hope and life was taken with injustice.

Chapter 3- The Hopeless case

1. Bruno and Gretel's relationship is that they both hate each other even though they are brother's and sisters.

2. "I know what you mean" she said "It's not very nice is it?"
"It's horrible" Bruno said. This shows that both kids say that the house is very horrible and that they want to go back to Berlin.

3. What is significant is that he thinks that the house is very old and if he jumps around, he can make a lot of damage and one bump can tear the whole house down.

4. Bruno's reaction is that he was very angry at his father because he was moved to this place where there was no one to play with.

5. The new house was smaller and old while the house in Berlin is big and new.

6. Gretel is just like her father because she is arrogant, mean and cruel like her father.

7. He does not understand where they are because he does not see any houses next to it, no kids to play with and just in a barren and desolate place.

8. Gretel says that they are at Out-With and that was what the house was called.

9. Bruno's description about Out-With is a motif because it as a few horrible words such as "Out with you" or "Get out". What is ironic about this is that the house does sometimes match the houses name.

10. Their reaction was that they were shocked at how different the Jews were because they thought they were lonely but now there were other kids and so they could have a chance to play with them. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Holocaust Poetry

by Barbara Sonek

We played, we laughed
we were loved.
We were ripped from the arms of our
parents and thrown into the fire.
We were nothing more than children.
We had a future. We were going to be lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers. We had dreams, then we had no hope. We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe smothering, crying, starving, dying. Separated from the world to be no more. From the ashes, hear our plea. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember us, for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.

1. The initial reaction to this poem is pretty sad because it is from a ghost's point of view

2. The word 'we' used in this poem are relating to the Jewish children who were captured and killed by Germans. Also using inclusive language meaning more to the reader. Also, this is used in first person talking about each other, it also uses repetition.

3. The verbs are: Played, laughed, loved. These are the children's lives before they were taken away from the camp

4. The verbs are ripped and thrown. The verbs are more horrible and crude than the first one and it gives a negative feel.

5. It was meant to signify the future careers and jobs and what they think they would have in the future life but the Germans killed them when they were young.

6. The simile that was used in the poem was "We were taken away in the night like cattle in cars." It's effect was that they were taken away and stowed in vans driving to the concentration camp. They were also treated like animals. There are also alliterations there

 7. The poet has represented herself as one of the Jewish kids who were slaughtered in POW camps and dreams stolen. She also gives us a first person view. She also said in the poem "remember us" as it is telling us that to remember her and the dead Jewish kids.

8. If I would, then I would talk about our present saying that there is no war, there is no slaughter, the Germans are peaceful, the Jews are safe. This poem has motivated us to stop anything that can cost someone's life.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boy in Striped PJ's- Chapter 2

The new house was described as the "opposite" as the house in Berlin as it said in the book. The house was small, dirty, less floors and no banisters and it was a lonely house.

It has may much more different characteristics in Berlin by saying the lonely house was the opposite (as in architecture and interior) as the house in Berlin. This is an example of Juxtaposition because it talks about two different houses.

His reaction is that he keeps on winging and talking about how bad the house was.

I feel empathetic for Bruno because it was unfair to him that because he didn't know what his Father's job is and that it was his Father's job that moves here.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Boy in Striped PJ's- Chapter 1

Bruno's voice, introduction of characters, and victims

Bruno's voice is very polite even though he should not if someone is going through his possessions but the person who was packing Bruno's possessions was the maid and Bruno's mum told Bruno to treat her with respect.

The characters who are introduced are: Bruno (the boy) The maid (or known as Maria) Bruno's mother (A very tall person who is also very nervous), Gretel (Bruno's older sister and a hopeless case as she bullies him.) and Bruno's father (a high ranked commander in the Wehrmacht.)

The victims are Bruno, the servants and everyone except the Father. I do not think that it is fair to consider them as victims since they are the same family together.

It is used by saying that Bruno and his family are moving because of his Dad's job and Bruno does not know what his father's job is.

The setting is presented in a very big house in Berlin and at least more than 2 floors. The reason why is because of this is that the family is very wealthy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This is an image of Auschwitz taken 65 years after the closing of the camp. Take a moment to look at this photo and consider that approximately 1 million people were killed at this camp (that would be 1 out of every four people living in Sydney).

Key Visual Techniques
There are some powerful visual techniques being used in this photo. Take 5 minutes to point out at least 5 aspects of the photo which stand out to you and how they relate to the great anguish that was experienced at this site (create a post on your blog with the photo - don't try to copy and paste photo it won't work).

The color shows that is is alone and cold. Vector lines that show the guard tower meaning the Jews are kept at watch. More techniques is that the range of the photograph is very long and never ending making it show that this camp is very far away. The barbed wire can show that the Germans would never let the Jews get out and yet again having power over the Jews. The wintry sun is shining down on the the camp but on the inside of the camp that is covered by barbed wire, it is not shining at all showing that in the concentration camp, it is very sad and gloomy in there.

Auschwitz is represented by a bleak and lonely spot. It also says in the description is that a million Jews were killed there meaning that the Germans were very horrible at the time of the Holocaust. Here is a picture of the Auschwitz, the picture shows the entrance of Auschwitz. The photo is grey showing gloom on the camp.
Auschwitz is one bad mark of the holocaust even though it is now a tourist place.

Donald Duck In "Der Fueherer's Face"

1. They are portrayed by saying the Germans are big and the Japanese (showing scale of power, humorous type of nature) are small and that they are all happy and that they are singing the parody of the real Nazi song, they are singing how great Hitler is and then mock him. The irony shows that anytime there is a literal meaning, we know that the person is trying to save itself.

2. If is effected that they are pervasive and saying that the propaganda is everywhere, they also force it on Donald Duck

3. This is by Donald Duck being a Nazi, the quality of his breakfast was very bad because the soldiers looking fat but the citizens have bad food. He is like treated as Jews.

4. It is portrayed as a giant factory, as some massive evil place, how this looks hellish is because the lighting is dark, a red background the the steam coming out of the buildings.

5. The song said that they are not slaves but then the irony Donald Duck is still being treated like a slave.

6. The conveyor belt says that the keep on doing this and just doing this to help Germany win the war.

7. This is shown that the people that are above him, there are no people who are the same thing. This shows that everyone is pervasive and that they even put bayonets on their own people

8. The irony is that it is not a vacation at all and that it is supposed to be an exercise.

9. The Germans are portrayed as weapons, the idea is that they are killers, cold and how many weapons that they have.

10. The pajamas shows that Donald is an American Citizen

11. The Statue Of Liberty shows that Donald is free

12. He is portrayed as a disgrace to the Americans

13. It is because Hitler is hated in America

14. Villains: Germans Victims: Donald Duck Heroes: Donald Duck

15. Camera and visual techniques

16. These characters and this cartoon belongs to U.S.A and that normally they mock the Germans by making this cartoon about Germany and Hitler. They say the Germans work non-stop and even put their bayonets onto their own men. The techniques used in this show is the size of the characters big characters show that they have power over Donald Duck. The music is also mocking the Germans and goes with the story as well.


This is an image of Auschwitz taken 65 years after the closing of the camp. Take a moment to look at this photo and consider that approximately 1 million people were killed at this camp (that would be 1 out of every four people living in Sydney).

Key Visual Techniques
There are some powerful visual techniques being used in this photo. Take 5 minutes to point out at least 5 aspects of the photo which stand out to you and how they relate to the great anguish that was experienced at this site (create a post on your blog with the photo - don't try to copy and paste photo it won't work).

The color shows that is is alone and cold. Vector lines that show the guard tower meaning the Jews are kept at watch. More techniques is that the range of the photograph is very long and never ending making it show that this camp is very far away. The barbed wire can show that the Germans would never let the Jews get out and yet again having power over the Jews. The wintry sun is shining down on the the camp but on the inside of the camp that is covered by barbed wire, it is not shining at all showing that in the concentration camp, it is very sad and gloomy in there.

Auschwitz is represented by a bleak and lonely spot. It also says in the description is that a million Jews were killed there meaning that the Germans were very horrible at the time of the Holocaust. Here is a picture of the Auschwitz, the picture shows the entrance of Auschwitz. The photo is grey showing gloom on the camp.
Auschwitz is one bad mark of the holocaust even though it is now a tourist place.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Visual Techniques- Life is Beautiful

The visual techniques are used by showing that the villains have power by using low angles and straight lines of symmetry, in the you tube clip, it shows that the villains are the Germans. How the visual techniques show the heroes are normally be zooming in high angle (showing weakness) and since the heroes keep on slouching showing that they have weakness within them. This can evoke the audience because it can cause fear on the the audience especially the muscular German waiter viewed from a low angle and a close up view.

The victims were easily shown as the same as the heroes by being shown at a lower angle and in another close up view but shown in the movie, they are small and so the victims are also showing weakness. This is how the visual techniques are used to evoke the audience.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Finding Visual Techniques-Life Is beautiful

(4:20) the camera angle of Joshua is a high angle which shows weakness while the German waiter's was a low angle showing superiority. Guido however is eye level.

(4:45) This shows eye level and normal shot since it shows Guido's torso. The German waiter's body language looks intimidating for a little boy. Guido looks tense, scared and very concerned.

(4:46) The focal point was in the middle as this is where the German waiter is which shows superior, there are symmetry lines that goes straight which shows superiority, Guido may have a few lines but the shot is not symmetric as well as expression which shows his concerned emotions.

(5:02-5:05) Guido is more emotive and teaching people by pointing and slouching to the children's level. There is also a slightly high angle. Meanwhile the Germans view are slightly low and have a serious body language.