Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chapter 3- The Hopeless case

1. Bruno and Gretel's relationship is that they both hate each other even though they are brother's and sisters.

2. "I know what you mean" she said "It's not very nice is it?"
"It's horrible" Bruno said. This shows that both kids say that the house is very horrible and that they want to go back to Berlin.

3. What is significant is that he thinks that the house is very old and if he jumps around, he can make a lot of damage and one bump can tear the whole house down.

4. Bruno's reaction is that he was very angry at his father because he was moved to this place where there was no one to play with.

5. The new house was smaller and old while the house in Berlin is big and new.

6. Gretel is just like her father because she is arrogant, mean and cruel like her father.

7. He does not understand where they are because he does not see any houses next to it, no kids to play with and just in a barren and desolate place.

8. Gretel says that they are at Out-With and that was what the house was called.

9. Bruno's description about Out-With is a motif because it as a few horrible words such as "Out with you" or "Get out". What is ironic about this is that the house does sometimes match the houses name.

10. Their reaction was that they were shocked at how different the Jews were because they thought they were lonely but now there were other kids and so they could have a chance to play with them. 

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