Thursday, August 4, 2011

Boy in Striped PJ's- Chapter 1

Bruno's voice, introduction of characters, and victims

Bruno's voice is very polite even though he should not if someone is going through his possessions but the person who was packing Bruno's possessions was the maid and Bruno's mum told Bruno to treat her with respect.

The characters who are introduced are: Bruno (the boy) The maid (or known as Maria) Bruno's mother (A very tall person who is also very nervous), Gretel (Bruno's older sister and a hopeless case as she bullies him.) and Bruno's father (a high ranked commander in the Wehrmacht.)

The victims are Bruno, the servants and everyone except the Father. I do not think that it is fair to consider them as victims since they are the same family together.

It is used by saying that Bruno and his family are moving because of his Dad's job and Bruno does not know what his father's job is.

The setting is presented in a very big house in Berlin and at least more than 2 floors. The reason why is because of this is that the family is very wealthy.

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